For 11-year-old Marley Dias, the call to activism began with books. Frustrated by not seeing other Black girls as the main characters in the books in her school library, she decided to take action and make a change. The wildly successful social media project, 1000 Black Girl Book, Dias launched nearly a year ago with the help of her mother, hit a nerve—and has exceeded its goal of collecting and distributing 1,000 books.
The sixth grader already knows that racism and other built-in barriers are “keeping kids like me from reaching our full potential.” Tackling racism, she says, begins with a conversation. In a new national video on institutional racism, Dias looks to educators across the country and asks: “Do you care enough to look closer, to talk to each other. To your students, to your communities?” And “To change the dialogue?”
Park Triangle was brought on to produce this project from beginning to end. We filmed Marley on green screen, illustrated and animated the project to fit the client’s “informational” motif. She was an absolute joy to work with as she knew the material and was prepared as soon as she arrived. This young lady inspires people of all ages and walks of life to stand up and make a change.